
PechaKucha Sydney
Volume 23

Sherman Contemporary Art Foundation 
warmly invites you to

PechaKucha Sydney

Volume 23

Following the success of the inaugural PechaKucha night hosted by SCAF in June, we are pleased to invite you to PKN #23.

In keeping with Sherman Contemporary Art Foundation’s architecture programme Fugitive Structures, the theme is innovation and technology, and its cultural impact. Please join us to hear local designers, artists, app developers, architects and jewellers discuss breakthrough technologies that are shaping the way we do things, sometimes in surprising ways.

on Wednesday, 30 October 2013
6.30-9 pm

at Sherman Contemporary Art Foundation
16 – 20 Goodhope Street

RSVP Wednesday 16 October, 2013


Mark Vaarwerk, brooch orange 58mm., materials: expanded polystyrene food box, acrylic car indicator cover, 9 carat pink gold, stainless steel, 2012
Mark Vaarwerk, brooch green 45mm (detail), materials: expanded polystyrene food, box, malachite, stainless steel, sterling silver, 2012. 
Photo: Mark Vaawerk