
Contemporary Art + Philanthropy: Private Foundations Asia-Pacific Focus is the second volume in the Sherman Contemporary Art Foundation Forum series. The Forum was chaired by Professor Nicholas Jose on 19 October 2007 at Sherman Galleries, Sydney. In this volume, Nicholas Jose, Elaine W. Ng, Carrillo Gantner, Britta Erickson and Gene Sherman continue the conversation begun at the 2006 Forum by exploring the current and future role of private foundations in sustaining contemporary art in the Asia-Pacific region during a time of rapid development, transition and change. They address the nature and economics of giving while taking into account the regional and internation context in which art is produced and circulates.
Published by Sherman Contemporary Art Foundation in partnership with Power Publications, 2009
120 pages, 95 x 180 mm, hardback
ISBN 978-0-9577382-3-2
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